Thursday, May 20, 2010

Third Trimester!!

Yes! I am in the last trimester!! It is hard to believe that I am already 28 weeks. Although this pregnancy did not go as fast as Breckens but I think that was because I knew Doug was leaving so I was okay staying pregnant with him. Although he is a lot cuter on the outside:) Anyways Bailey is starting to get to the point where instead of kicks and punches it is rolling over and knocking the air out of me. She is the mover out of all three kids so far! She is all over the place a lot more then the other 2 were and she moves for longer periods of time. Brecken and Taylor would wear out after about 20 minutes. This girl goes for about an hour and a half. So the next couple weeks are going to be full of fun stuff for baby. We should be making my c-section appointment in the next month or so...scheduling it not actually doing it. I will be having a diaper shower too. I also did my GTT and I am hoping I pass so I do not have to go to the 3 hour one. I am going to be researching birth controls extensively! I really do not like the side effects of most of them and my mom and grandma had uterine fibroids so that cuts out all the ones that have fibroids as a side effect which is most. Doug and I have discussed it and if we show up pregnant because of a failed birth control, we are very okay with that. We want more children and know God is in control whether we try or not. However that being said. I need my body back for a couple years. I am exhausted and sore and yeah....I need a minute to catch my breathe. I have loved having all my kids but being pregnant is getting kind of old. If all goes according to plan we will let it go again when Bailey is around 2. This 19 months apart is way too hard. It may be for some people but I don't think it is for me. I am liking the 2 years apart thing. So anyways yay!! Bailey is growing and I am falling in love with her already. I am not sure if moms can relate but having Taylor and Brecken was so surreal and I could not see us having one kid much less two that it took me a while to get the idea down about being a mommy. I don't want to say I was not in love with them right away but more in love with the idea of them I guess. I know...that all came out wrong because how could you not totally fall in love with them and I am wholly in love with them now. Bailey is just not as surreal to me. I could see us having her and her being in our family. Maybe it is because I just had Brecken not too long before we got pregnant with Bailey. Anyways babble babble. I cannot wait until this girl joins our family! A family of five....who woulda thunk. Plus Doug will be home for a while too!!
Now on to Doug. Yes he should be here in the very most of the most of the 12 weeks. That is when Bailey is due so he should be here for that. I am really excited to have him home. The kids miss him and I miss him and we have not seen each other a whole lot in the last couple years. He is going through some options to see what he can do that will keep him here for at least 2 years if not more. We will see. I would love for him to see Bailey do some of the firsts that he has missed with Taylor and Brecken.
Anyways I feel good so far!! The third trimester is my favorite with Bailey! The only thing I have had problems with is breathing. Better then how bad I hurt the first and second trimester. I am so excited for these months to fly by!!

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