Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Of course this child!!

So I cannot move a whole lot which leaves me to blog:) I woke up this morning at 2:30 thinking "Wow this pain is a lot like labor." So I chugged some water, grabbed 15 more pillows and tried to get comfy because of course I am only 35 weeks pregnant and labor would not happen. About 4:30 I finally fell asleep again. Thank God Brecken slept in until 7 so I got up and hit the floor. Yeah that was painful. I kept thinking "This really does feel like labor". However the pain was more on the right side then the left so that can't be right. So I get up sorta and tried a shower. I get ready and realize this pain is not leaving so I call myself a Lisa and have her come over to watch the kids. I start to feel a little better so I start thinking I can go to mommies group and wait it out to see if it goes away. Until I double over in the kitchen. Okay so I am off to the hospital and as smart as I am I drive myself there. I get there and get myself upstairs with a couple people stopping me to ask if I need help. Nope...I rock. I do not need help. So I get up there and they hook me up and I am just sitting there. Finally the doctor comes in and says everything looks good on the monitors so she will just check me real quick. So she does her thing and she looks a tad shocked. "How far are you?" I tell her almost 35 weeks. She tells me I am 1 cm. Seriously? The one kid Doug is gone for? So she wants to see where this baby is exactly so she runs to get an ultrasound machine. Babys head is down by my right leg and her butt is under my left boob. Apparently she tried to flip and since my pelvis is so small she was not able to wedge her head in my pelvis but into my leg and that is what is causing contractions and the intense pain. So we know a VBA2C is out of the question. Since this is the 3rd baby who has not been able to get into my pelvis we now know why I have not been able to give birth naturally. So she tells me to go home and lay down and not pick up anything heavy or strain myself. Wait, you mean that 20 some pounder I got at home that does not walk up the stairs to his room? In which she informs me to have my husband do the heavy lifting. You mean the deployed husband? Then she informs me that it would be a really good idea to either get him home or find someone to stay with me until he gets home. So I am sitting on the couch in pain because of my daughters head. We are trying to get Doug home or his mom out here. I am not good at not being able to take care of my own life so asking for help always sucks for me. Like I said...of course this child.

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