Saturday, July 17, 2010

3 more weeks!!

Oh the sweet words of the doctor telling me when they will pull this baby girl out!! We went in yesterday and the doctor (YES!! Actual doctor instead of nurse or midwife!) checked my cervix and said I am still at 1 cm but I am softening up a lot. She asked if I always have big babies because she said this on felt large. I also had all my restrictions lifted since I am allowed to go into labor now!! So we went in to schedule our c-section and the earliest I could do it was the 5th of August. However they were booked that day and she said that her husband could actually do the surgery on the 9th if I wanted and I could call later and see if I could get in on the 5th if one of the other girls went into labor. I told her the 9th was fine and I was okay with just waiting an extra couple days. You start to realize how much sleep you will not get with the 3rd so a couple more days in the belly is actually a good thing. Plus all my kids have been born on Mondays and so having another Monday will help me remember that although that is not really important unless I am on a game show that promises me a million dollars for knowing that. Anywho we are scheduled for 8-9-10!! I meet with all my peeps (surgeons and their team) the next couple weeks to prepare to get this girl out!! I am really excited yet scared. It is crazy enough juggling 2 kids. I am going to go insane with 3. YAY!!

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