Friday, January 22, 2010

TGIF...I guess

I am not so excited about weekends anymore now that Doug is gone. They are just like any old day now. Today was rough. I am pretty sure I spent most of the day in tears. I was going to call someone to come over just to talk but I always feel bad about doing that. Kind of like my problems are not theirs. My body is starting to hurt really bad. I keep getting myself into thinking that I can do this and it will not be that hard but then it all falls apart and I am thinking maybe I can't. Being pregnant puts a whole different...I want to say problem but the baby is not a problem but another difficulty to deal with. I am so weepy all the time and I am never like this for this long. At least not all day long. I have thought about moving out to Colorado but there are way too many things to deal with in that and it is not worth it. I keep thinking maybe I need help. Maybe go to my doctor and tell her that it seems to be more then just sad. My chest just hurts so bad all the time. Well not so much my chest but my heart. Kind of funny how when your heartbroken it can physically hurt. I know this weather is not helping at all. Stupid cold and rain. I want it to be hot. I want to be able to go outside when I am sad. That always helps. Anyways just gibberish. I am going to hopefully take a bath and go to bed early. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day:)

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