Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spoon in my eye!!

That would feel better right now. Brecken has been SOOOO fussy lately and it is driving me up the wall!!! Today started off horrible, got a little better, and then right back in the toilet. Brecken woke up screaming. He stayed like that until I finally dropped him off at Taylors preschool. Then I ran errands and went to lunch with Jen which was the good part. Then I went to get the kids. Taylors class is usually on the playground so I usually go in and get her stuff and then get Brecken so he can swing for a while. So I go in to do that and when I come out Taylor is in tears with her teacher talking to her. Well if you know my daughter then I figured she fell while running somewhere. The teacher came over and was talking to me about what had happened. Apparently Taylor saw my car and got out of the gate to come over to it. When she could not find me then she started crying saying she was lost. Now this is not a very big preschool and thank God the parking lot is tiny and in the back and right next to the playground. Her teacher saw her and ran out to get her. Her teacher kept apologizing saying there was no excuse for her to have let Taylor get out of the gate. Taylor is a smart girl and knows to stay by the car or to find an adult. So she ran to me crying saying she could not find me and she was scared. I had to talk to her about asking Ms. Sharon or Ms. Monica where I was and to never ever go with any adult that was not mommy or daddy or one of her teachers. While doing this I totally lost my balance while holding Brecken and fell forward. Did not realize how front heavy I am getting. Anyways Taylor got over it and everything is okay.

Might as well get the baby news out of the way for this week. We find out next week what we are having. I will be 19 weeks tomorrow. I am in so much pain that I am having a hard time sleeping. I can only sit up and sleep which is starting to hurt my butt bone. I cannot wait until my mother in law gets here. I walk like I have something up my butt. I only have pain in my crotch and the tops of my legs. Baby is still doing good though and I am excited to find out the sex!!

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