Monday, February 1, 2010

12 weeks and counting!!

So this week has been fun...not at all. I started out with some bleeding. This freaked me out because we have had this problem once before and it did not end well. I went in and had the baby checked. The baby is bouncing around and all good. My mom flew out to help me for a couple weeks. So I went back in a couple days later to get checked and baby is still good although I am still bleeding. Then I got a UTI which was frustrating because they could not give me the meds to fix it until they knew what kind of bacteria it was. So I just spent 3 days on pain meds that made me sick every time I took it which was 4 times a day. Of course they said my meds were ready on Saturday in the middle of the ice storm. I tried to wait it out and go get the meds Sunday morning but the roads were not any better. Sooo now that I am on the meds I have stopped taking the pain meds. So far so good. I was nervous about the bleeding BUT I started feeling the baby move this week so I have my own way of knowing everything is okay which is awesome!

On the Brecken subject. The boy went in for his ultrasound and he is complete!! He just has not dropped which in turn gets us referred off to a Urologist. Hopefully they drop soon or we may have to take the boy in to get him some help with that. That would include the option of a surgery which I do not want to put my baby through. Oy life is always fun when Doug is deployed. Brecken also has his first evaluation this Thursday.

Taylor girl is healthy and happy. No problems other than I cannot figure out where her mute button is. She is really rooting for a girl this pregnancy. I keep telling her it is up to daddy and that if it is a boy she has to yell at him. Haha.

Well other than that I am starting to feel a lot better on this pregnancy and I am excited that my mom is out here for another couple weeks to help me out. I am praying really hard I feel really good before she leaves. Doug is doing great where he is and we are just looking forward to him coming home so we can go meet the newest addition to our family. I can't believe I am going to be the mommy of 3!! I am so excited and feel so blessed with my growing family!!

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