Taylor finished her dance camp this week. She loved it and had a blast. I can't wait until the next one!! I thought that I would be lost and not know what to do with 2 free hours but surprisingly I was in a rush to go pick her up everyday since I had been busy. She keeps showing me all her dances which has been funny. I just cannot believe how big she is getting. I heard her get up and go to the bathroom last night and then get back in bed and I thought wow is my child seriously old enough to go potty by herself at night. I just cannot believe how incredibly blessed we are.
Brecken stopped crying when I try to put him down at night but he still screams through most of his naptime. I make him sit up there for 2 hours and he can scream or sleep. He is still picking screaming. He will be 6 months soon which is crazy!! I am starting to look at myself as a mom more than a young girl with a baby. It is really weird to think "my kids". Kind of makes me feel old:) It is going to be really weird when we get pregnant for the 3rd time. I had people ask me if Brecken was my first when I did not have Taylor around and I think it will be funny when people ask me that again with the 3rd and I say no this is number 3. I thought 22 was old to start having kids but now I see that it is actually very young. Especially when I see my friends having kids at the same age...they seem so young. Which is funny because all the guys are a couple years older then Doug was when we had Taylor. That is what he gets for marrying someone the same age as him. Just so weird to be in this stage of life. I love it. Anyways I am kind of just thinking out loud here.
Doug will be home soon and I am so ready. We were thinking of coming out to Colorado but we are not positive if that is going to work out. Taylor starts school around that time and we really do not have anyone to watch the dogs since everybody will be taking block leave at the same time who is getting back. Plus the money thing. Plane tickets are pretty expensive. Especially when you are buying 3. We still might have to get the Jeep fixed. Doug and I also start school around that time. It does not matter to me as long as he is home I do not care where we are. I just want to get back to being a family. Well that is it for now. I am going to go watch Tigger and Pooh.
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