Sunday, July 22, 2012

31 Weeks Pregnant and Physical Evalutions:)

So I am 31 weeks.  The top picture is my 30 week and then the one over to the left is my 31 week picture.  I am really starting to feel it.  My legs are killing me.  I waddle a lot and I do not feel like it is so much on how big I am but how much I hurt.....there.  Anyways Jayce is around 3 pounds although he does not feel as heavy as he is long.  He moves like crazy!  He is all over the place.  Other then the pain from walking I feel okay.  I feel very out of shape and huge.  I cannot wait to get back to running and into my little clothes.  I have about 5 outfits I wear and that is all I fit in.  Breckens therapists are probably wondering if I have any other  We scheduled my c-section for September 18th.  My mom will be out to help with the kids.  I am so ready to sit in a hospital on drugs with a cute boy for a couple days:)

 We got Breckens Physical Therapy Evaluation back.  We are still waiting on his Speech and Occupational Evaluations to get to us.  First I feel as if I need to explain again Breckens condition.  I have had many people say he seems to understand like a 3 year old so they think the tests are wrong.  Okay....Brecken has Cerebral Palsy.  This has NOTHING to do with his mental health whatsoever.  He has absolutely no metal handicap at all.  He is cognatively a 3 and a half year old boy.  His brain damage is in the frontal lobe and Corpus Callosum.  The frontal lobe is where the motor movement is controlled and the Corpus Callosum is the part that connects the left to the right side of the brain.  Okay so we have that cleared up.  No mental handicap.  With the frontal lobe being damaged it confuses his body into doing weird things.  Moving oddly and not having a whole lot of muscle tone (he is very weak and this cause his drooling and limbs to go limp...hence the therapy to make him stronger) and the when he tells his body to do something like speak or to walk without falling over, his Corpus Callusum is so thin that it is like trying to shove a baseball into a straw...the info does not fit and his body again slows down and this is why he will fall or have trouble stopping when walking or why he is having trouble speaking.  So YES my son is a normal 3 and a half year old.  He thinks like one and cognitively knows what is going on like a 3 year old.....he is only physically handicap.  Just clearing that all up!!  So anyways we got his evaluation back and 6 months ago he was at a 19 month old level physically.  He is now testing at a 22 month level (he moves like a 22 month old).  His doctors are happy with him progressing however he added 3 months onto the gap.  This is not an ideal thing.  We have to see what  our plan of action is on this.  It sounds like more therapy.  Which is hard because he already does 5 therapies a week and goes to a special needs school 4 days a week.  I just do not want him to get to overwhelmed although I know his therapists are awesome and know what they are doing so I am confident they know what we should be doing.  We will just keep doing what we are doing to get our dude where he needs to go:) 

This is Brecken and his Occupational Therapist Kristen!  She is great!!  The girls get to join in which is encouraged so that they can understand more about what Brecken has to go through to do normal things.  Here they are all doing yoga.  The girls really love getting involved!  This is so great that they encourage this at his therapies!!

Well I hope everybody has a great week!  Taylor has Summer Jam at church so she will be gone most of the week and Brecken will be at summer school so it is back to just me and Bailey for a week:)


  1. I know it's still 4 months away but I can't wait to see you guys in December!!
