Friday, February 26, 2010

Swinging the Bat

Every curve ball I get thrown I am ALWAYS going to swing the bat!

We have been in a little roller coaster with Brecken but today we had some great news. They just want to keep an eye on him over the next year or so to see if his testicles descend. As of right now the doctor does not think he will need surgery which was the great news. He did have a little overgrown skin that the doctor said he could fix real quick and he had me hold Brecken down while he ripped it back. I thought Brecken was going to fly off the table. After a little cuddling though he was all good. We have to keep that from growing up and over again but that is more just me keeping on it and making sure I pull it all the way back. A can do. All in all a great doctors visit.

I am also 16 weeks now with this other little one. Not much has changed. Still feel good and feeling the poking around in there.

I am very happy about how things are going and I just cannot wait until Doug gets home and I get this new little one in my arms. I am so blessed to have the family I do.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

15 weeks!!

Yay!! I am at 15 weeks. It is going by really really fast and I love that!! Each pregnancy gets faster:) So still feeling the baby move. I laid down to figure out where my uterus was and it is almost right under my belly button. I always think it should be smaller but I always measure a couple weeks bigger. Nausea and all that fun first trimester stuff is gone!! I seriously do not even feel pregnant. Except all the moving in my belly which is not a whole lot since the baby is still small but it is there. I still have 2 weeks before my next appointment but we will be scheduling the ultrasound to find out the sex after this next appointment. People have started to notice my belly is pregnant and not fat which is nice. It really did all happen way faster this time. Brecken always laid on my right side and was on my nerve and it always hurt which was really annoying and I remember being excited to give birth so that would go away and now this little one thinks it is funny to be on my nerve on the left side. Taylor was too high to do any of that. My body is really sore by the end of the day but so far I can handle that because I usually feel very rested and good in the mornings. It is getting a little harder to roll over in bed. Not much but I am noticing that there needs to be a little more umph behind it. All in all it is going really good and I am very happy to be feeling better and that I am in my 2nd trimester!!

Now to Brecken. We went to his physical therapy today and he did great. He did a whole 35 minutes before he was too tired to do anymore which is great!! She said that after just 2 weeks she could really see an improvement. I am glad he is doing so well. I pray over him nightly that the therapy works supernaturally fast. I really would love for him to be caught up before this baby gets here. Other than that he is doing great!! He is teething again which kind of stinks but I feel the other teeth popping through so hopefully it will go quickly this time. I lovers that little boy:)

Taylor. Well not much news on her. She is still all over the place and talks non stop. She was a big help today and has really been a big help everyday since Nana left. I love that she is such a grown up 3 year old yet still goofs off more then she should:) Still missing daddy. She gets to talk to him a lot though and she always tells him how much she loves him and that she misses him. She tells everybody he is off saving the world.

Well that is it for now! I am just hoping this month goes fast because I am very ready for nice weather!! I wanna wear shorts and tank tops. Soon!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day

Hmmm. Not sure if it is a happy Valentines Day. Got off to a bad start. I had to take my mom to the airport this morning. I did not want her to go. She was here helping me for 3 weeks and it was really nice having another adult in the house. Plus with all the stuff going on around here that is emotional, it was nice to let her be the adult. So I am back home and alone....again. I am so tired and just want this deployment to end. The good news is that I have not been nauseated for a while now!! I am starting to feel like my old self other then the lack of energy. Baby is kicking away. We should be finding out the sex this next month which will be really cool. Then I can shop for the baby. The rest of the deployment will hopefully go fast with everything we have to do every day. I swear we live in that hospital. Brecken is doing really good. He just started pulling himself up to his knees which is great!! I asked her if he would be walking by the time this baby arrived. She said maybe not which broke my heart a little since he will be almost 20 months. She said lets just get him to where he is crawling first. This whole thing with him is breaking my heart so bad. I had him at Taylors Valentines party at school on friday and one mom asked how old he was and I had said 13 months and she asked if he was walking and I said no which did not bug me since Taylor did not walk until 15 months but when she said he must be everywhere crawling and cruising along the couch I almost broke. Her teacher was there and had asked how the therapy was going and the other mom kind of overheard so I explained that he was not crawling or cruising. Not even standing up on his own and she gave me a funny look like I had done something wrong to make him like this. I know she did not mean too but it took a lot to get home and wait until I went into the bathroom to cry. I am just emotionally drained and ready for my husband to come home and take over. My hormones are not helping either. Well I will keep posting to tell how his progress is going. I love him. I really love him no matter what. I know I am not to blame. It is just I am his mom and I should be able to fix all this. Anyways 14 weeks pregnant and alone with 2 kids again. Pray I can do this. I do not think I have ever needed God as much as I need Him now.

Friday, February 5, 2010

My Brecken Boy:)

So great news about Brecken!! We took him in to the child development specialist this last Thursday. I did not want to tell anybody a whole lot until we knew what was going on specifically. So we took him in and a speech therapist and physical therapist spent about an hour asking me questions while playing with Brecken. So the entire time we are sitting there and they are trying to get him to do things and he is not doing any of the physical I am almost in tears. I am trying to wait until I get to the car because I am sure that is all they need is a pregnant mom getting all emotional with her son. I could not believe how hard it was to see your son being so far behind and not able to do what he should be doing. Anyways after everything they sat down to talk to me about what they discovered. Good news and bad news.

Bad news. Brecken has low tone. His back muscles are extremely strong and his front muscles have not developed much. This is the part I was almost in tears thinking that it was my fault for not getting on the floor with him as much as I did with Taylor. They assured me that it was not my fault and that some babies are just born with under developed stomach muscles. This made me feel a little better because I actually have this in my legs. I was always going to physical therapy to correct this. Also I knew a lot of what they were saying since i had already dealt with all this. Anyways when they explained what this causes then I realized how right they were because everything they said he might be doing, he was doing at home. He never curls his legs under him because that takes abs and he arches a lot with other things he tries to do. They had also said that the muscles in his face are very loose which in turn affects his speech and is why he can only say da da. Again, once explained I saw what they were talking about. So with all this we will be seeing a physical therapist once a week and a speech therapist once a week at the hospital. They have me on a waiting list to have them come to the house to do the therapy since I am pregnant and have the 2 kids which I thought was awesome!!

Good news!! Brecken is very advanced for his age mentally. They were actually shocked on how advanced he was!! Which in turn proves there is nothing mentally wrong!! He figured out all the problems they put in front of him and they said the way he figured out ways around his low tone was very impressive. He figured out how to do things without his stomach muscles and they said normally kids will just give up but he was figuring out other ways to do what he wanted. This made me very happy. I was relieved that this is a fixable problem. They did say it may take a year or so of therapy but I told them that we would do whatever we had to with him. I would haul all 3 of them in once a week for him to get what he needed. God bless the Army for making it possible for us to get him the help he needs on our insurance too! These are the times where you realize what your husband is doing not only benefits the country but his family too.

On to baby news. I still have bleeding but the baby is moving and I feel it so I know that baby is still doing great!! I am 13 weeks now and the nausea has subsided pretty much. I still do not have a lot of energy but I do what I can do. My mom is still here helping so that has been nice. I am very excited to have started to feel baby because to me this is the best part. Anywas more updates as they come and praise God for the blessings He has given us!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

12 weeks and counting!!

So this week has been fun...not at all. I started out with some bleeding. This freaked me out because we have had this problem once before and it did not end well. I went in and had the baby checked. The baby is bouncing around and all good. My mom flew out to help me for a couple weeks. So I went back in a couple days later to get checked and baby is still good although I am still bleeding. Then I got a UTI which was frustrating because they could not give me the meds to fix it until they knew what kind of bacteria it was. So I just spent 3 days on pain meds that made me sick every time I took it which was 4 times a day. Of course they said my meds were ready on Saturday in the middle of the ice storm. I tried to wait it out and go get the meds Sunday morning but the roads were not any better. Sooo now that I am on the meds I have stopped taking the pain meds. So far so good. I was nervous about the bleeding BUT I started feeling the baby move this week so I have my own way of knowing everything is okay which is awesome!

On the Brecken subject. The boy went in for his ultrasound and he is complete!! He just has not dropped which in turn gets us referred off to a Urologist. Hopefully they drop soon or we may have to take the boy in to get him some help with that. That would include the option of a surgery which I do not want to put my baby through. Oy life is always fun when Doug is deployed. Brecken also has his first evaluation this Thursday.

Taylor girl is healthy and happy. No problems other than I cannot figure out where her mute button is. She is really rooting for a girl this pregnancy. I keep telling her it is up to daddy and that if it is a boy she has to yell at him. Haha.

Well other than that I am starting to feel a lot better on this pregnancy and I am excited that my mom is out here for another couple weeks to help me out. I am praying really hard I feel really good before she leaves. Doug is doing great where he is and we are just looking forward to him coming home so we can go meet the newest addition to our family. I can't believe I am going to be the mommy of 3!! I am so excited and feel so blessed with my growing family!!