Wednesday, July 15, 2009

6 Month Check Up

So today we went in to have Breckens 6 month check up. He weighed in at around 15 pounds which is funny since he is a chubs and he is in the 45th percentile for his height. So he is short and Total opposite compared to Taylor who was way tall and considered overweight. Cracks me up. Anyways the doctor checked him and he has everything he needs to have as a 6 month old boy. He is ahead on all his learning things except the rolling over. That actually might be more my fault then his since he spends more of his time in his excersaucer then on the floor. Big dog paws scare me a little. He did say that the molar was weird since babies usually pop the bottom and top first and usually do not pop the molars until 14 months. Then we went in for his shots. The lady giving him the shots remembered him and it was pretty funny because she kept telling everybody he was her baby. Then he screamed through the shots...poor baby boy:( So I grabbed him up and hugged him tightly but as I did he was giving the lady who gave him the shots a dirty look!! Really dirty like he was seriously glaring at her! I couldn't help but laugh and he then looked at me with a shocked look!! It was so funny because he was looking at me like "Why are you laughing?! Did you see what she did to me!". I laughed harder...too funny. He is too young to have hurt feelings! So all was good. He came home and slept. So my baby is 6 months and healthy. I seriously look at him (most of the time while he is sleeping) and think wow...this is what I was born to do. He is beautiful. Just like his sister. Kind of gets me excited for the next one. We will see...Doug gets home soon but kind of hoping God puts it off for a couple months so we can enjoy our little family without mommy feeling like poop. Well life is awesome and I am just getting really excited to have my better half home.

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