Friday, April 6, 2012

Thoughts of an Army Wife

It sounds like an adventure!  Like an amazing dream!!
He asked her to marry him and to see what there is to be seen.
She is excited to leave and start their life together on the go!
The Army can make this all happen....they can make it so.
He leaves after their vows to go to training.
Boot camp, AIT and then jumping out of planes.
FINALLY after 6 months of training they are moved to start up their life.
It is official..she is an Army wife.
Once there he starts training again.
Gone at 5 in the morning to 7 at night.  She starts to feel the loneliness setting in.
After another 6 months of long hours and being alone.
He finishes training....on to real their real home!
2 years after their wedding they welcome their first child.
She is amazing.  She loves this mommy thing!
9 months later he is called to go.
She knows that being married to a soldier, duty always comes first.
He does not mean to put her 2nd but this is what they signed up for.
10 months later he shows back up on their door.
Their baby girl is now almost 2.
They decide to buy a house since they will be staying here.
Then another is born!  It's a little brother:)
10 days later he has to say good bye.
Another day in the military life.
As they say good bye she tries to tell herself she can do this.
She has 2 beautiful kids and has made many friends.
He will soon be home again.
He comes home when his son is 8 months old.
The kids love their daddy and in his arms they fold. 
5 months later they call him to go again.
His son has just turned 1.
As they all say good bye for the 3rd time she does not cry.
She can't.  She has 2 kids who need her now and she knows there is another one in her belly who needs her to be strong.
She tries to hold it together when they come to her about her son and tell her there is something wrong.
How do you tell your husband this while he is gone?
With support of her friends she finally lets him know.
They make it through this over a phone.
She survives until just before their 3rd is born.
Luckily he makes it home.
He is there to see her come into this world.
A little sister....a beautiful girl:)
He decides he wants to take another route.
He wants to stay in the Army for his give him all he needs.
They pack up and move.  He leaves to train again.
Only 6 months then we don't have to again.
Once they finally move she starts to realize what "adventure" she signed up for.
After 8 years realizing this is how it would be.
Moving, making friends just to leave.
Making her kids do the same
and telling them as long as they had each other they would be okay.
Sitting here now with another on the way.
Wondering if this was the adventure she had really signed up for.
Praying that there is another provide a life for her kids and still have him home.
In her prayers she hears Him say....I need you here.  I need you to stay.
Your family is meant to stand and fight.
 I know sometimes it hurts.  I know sometimes you cry.
I hear you...I hear your kids.  I chose you all to stand up and be strong.
You have no idea the impact you will have in the long run.
Your family will make it.  As long as you trust in Me.
Know I have you here for a will see;)

She stands up with tears in her eyes.
She knows He is right and this is their life.
They were chosen to take this on and now all she can do is be strong.
Knowing she has so many that stand with her.
Knowing that there is something about us military women that no civilian could ever understand.
A whole different way to stand by your man.
Yes it is hard and yes we want to give up....until we have that someone tell us thank you.
Thank you for taking on what so many said no to.
You walk a little bit taller when you know
you are part of that 1% that fights for families to get what you don't.
Never having to leave their families sides for months at a time.
You sometimes wish you had that but realize....
this is what your family was chosen to do.
It may not be easy but they know that too. 
Being an Army wife is reward in itself
One day we will be able to stay in one place
Until then we will stand with a smile on our face
Stand and be proud of what you all do
There is no way this life is possible....without you:)

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