Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Double Digits!!

Yep I hit the 10 week mark on this pregnancy.  So ready to be in my 2nd trimester.  I really would love to get some energy back to keep up with the other 3 I already birthed.  I am feeling pretty good actually.  I am really tired and usually in bed by 7:30.  That has put a kink in my Smallville Series watching since I usually watch an episode or 2 before bed.  Now I just pass out.  Since Doug is gone this week I at least have been trying to wait until the kids are asleep before I pass out.  The nausea comes and goes.  They gave me some Zophran to help and it does but I still get waves of not so fun moments.  I would like to say I am not moody but I know my husband and kids would disagree.  I have been a little crazy lately.  Ugh I hope nothing ever happens to Doug because there is no other man out there that could handle all this crazy.  Lol.  So the baby is about the size of a kumquat.  I feel huge already although I know I look like I have just put on some weight.  Bummer on that end.  My emotions are crazy.  I am so busy it usually is not too bad but I get moments where I really miss NC and all my friends.  Doug and I have been talking a lot about how many kids we really want and we are almost pretty sure this is our last.  I feel as if I am past the having kids stage in my life and just want to get on to the enjoying kids stage.  We will see.  There are days I love the idea of 5 but there are more days that 4 seems perfect for us:)  I crack up when people say "Wow 4 kids huh?  Nice big family."  If you look at family sizes in the US from recent years then yes but 100 years ago we would have been a small family.  Just funny the comments we get.  In NC having 4 kids was average.  I do not like California a whole lot.  When people hear about me being on my 4th their first reaction is that Taylor must be my youngest.  When I tell them she is in fact my oldest I get some pretty disgusted looks which makes me sad that society has made people think that having a lot of kids, especially all close together is a bad thing.  This really does make me sad.  Personally I am loving it.  My kids are close together so they will always have a playmate and I honestly love having a bunch a little people running around my house even though they drive me up the wall sometimes.  Oh gotta love that comment too.  If mommy is having a bad day then I get "Well then why are you having more?".  Really annoyed with that comment since apparently moms are not allowed a bad day....ever.  Trust me my good days outweigh my bad days.  Plus I have only once in my life heard someone say they did not like being apart of a big family.  Everybody else who has many brothers and sisters LOVED it.  Anyways sorry.  Just a little pregnancy rant.  Really I just try and avoid those people in my life now.  I had a lady in line at the store the other day tell me how cute my kids were and what a joy they were.  She commented that my oldest looked just like her dad and the younger 2 (she thought they were twins until one of them stood up) looked just like me.  When she found out we were pregnant with #4 she seemed so happy for us and told us what a huge blessing and congratulated us.  It was hard not to run up to her and hug her and tell her thank you.  Thank you for being happy for us and not acting like it was a bad thing!!!  It breaks my heart when people think that a new life could be a bad thing:(  Again people I have been trying to root out of our lives as much as possible.  So 30 more weeks to go before we meet Levy #4!!  We are very blessed and VERY EXCITED!!!

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