Sunday, December 18, 2011


So we made it!! Well we have been here about a week now. We started out leaving Saturday morning from Colorado at 5 in the morning. The first night we stopped in Vegas and stayed at a cheap hotel which was not too bad. Then we left early Sunday and got to California around 2. There we found a little more expensive hotel that was HORRIBLE! You walked on the carpet and your feet were black within minutes. It was disgusting. So needless to say we left there as early as possible on Monday and came over to Fort MacArthur to get our boarding house. It is a cute fully furnished townhouse that they are boarding us in until our house is ready. The people that are there now do not leave until December 30th and then they need to get it all ready for us so we should be in there by the second week of January. It is an awesome house from the outside (I have not seen the inside)! It is on a hill and we have a massive view of the Pacific Ocean! I am really excited:) As for now we are in this townhouse and getting Christmas going at the last minute. We went and got us a little tree and decorated it. I grabbed a couple gifts from Sams Club and then ordered Santas gifts! They should all be here on time. Got all our gifts wrapped up and Christmas dinner bought. I must say for having to throw this all together on the run I am pretty excited we did so well. Anyways we got Taylor all registered at her school and we found a dance studio for her. We are trying to get Brecken into all his therapies and he has a school he will start in January. This place is pretty overwhelming because of how big and crowded it is but I am hoping I just get used to it. I actually used to live around here when I was little for a couple years. I am used to big cities being from Denver but this place is a whole different crazy. I am hoping where we move next is a little slower and smaller. Anyways we will see how it goes. I miss NC really bad. I miss how my house looked at Christmas time and all my friends and our church. I miss the kids school and the people there and all of Breckens old therapists. I miss being 5 minutes from the base and it actually taking 5 minutes to get there. We live 12 minutes away from the base here and it takes a good 45 minutes to get there in this traffic. I am happy though that I have my family all with me and that we are back on our own. The kids were all up at 4:30 so I am not sure if we are still going to try and go to a church today but we will see. I am ready to get out there and make some friends. I will post pictures when I get them on here.

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