Sunday, February 24, 2013

Crazy Wrap Thing!!

My results 12 hours after 1 wrap!!

So one of my friends kept posting about these wraps.  At first I ignored them but them the more she posted the more curios I got.  So I started looking at the results she was posting and asking questions and such.  After a long drawn out process of asking her a million questions I decided to get some.  At first I was just going to buy them and then looked and realized that becoming a distributor had less risks (I know weird right?) so I signed up for that.  As soon as I posted my results on FB it was nuts.  People were asking me how it was done, how they could get their hands on some and how would they get into selling these too!  I had 5 loyal customers within a week.  Nuts!  Not only that I have 3 distributors under me and 2 that are in the process of signing up plus one of my distributors has a distributor!  VERY cool!  So all in all I am making money, having fun with my team on selling these AND wrapping myself skinny at the same time.  This is awesome!

Here is my page where you can see more results of my friends!  Like and share!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Nice post I enjoyed reading it. Can I contact you through your email? Please email me back. Thanks!


